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Legal & Trademark Information

FuuZzi Trademark Notice

FuuZzi® is a registered trademark of FuuZzi Company, duly registered in the United Kingdom and across the European Union. The FuuZzi trademark is a valuable asset of our company, and we take the protection of our intellectual property seriously.

Trademark Registration Details

  • Trademark: FuuZzi®

  • Owner: FuuZzi Company

  • Jurisdictions: United Kingdom and European Union

  • Registration Numbers: UK00003749775

  • Registration Date: 2022-02-01

  • Obtained on: 2022-04-29

Usage Guidelines

The FuuZzi trademark, including its logo, name, and any related branding elements, may not be used in any manner without the express written permission of FuuZzi Company. Unauthorized use of the FuuZzi trademark or any confusingly similar mark is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action.

Permissible Use

Authorized users of the FuuZzi trademark must adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Correct Usage: The FuuZzi trademark must always be used with the ® symbol to indicate its registered status.

  2. Brand Representation: The FuuZzi trademark should be presented in a manner that reflects the high standards and reputation of FuuZzi Company.

  3. No Modifications: The FuuZzi trademark must not be altered, distorted, or combined with other marks or logos without prior authorization.

Prohibited Use

The following uses of the FuuZzi trademark are strictly prohibited:

  1. Unauthorized Commercial Use: Using the FuuZzi trademark in connection with any goods or services that do not originate from FuuZzi Company.

  2. Domain Names: Registering or using domain names that include the FuuZzi trademark or any confusingly similar terms.

  3. Advertising: Using the FuuZzi trademark in any advertisements, promotional materials, or marketing content without proper authorization.

Reporting Trademark Infringement

If you become aware of any unauthorized use of the FuuZzi trademark or any other intellectual property owned by FuuZzi Company, please report it immediately by contacting our legal department at [Insert Contact Information].


The information contained on this page is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. FuuZzi Company reserves the right to update or modify this notice at any time without prior notice. Continued use of our website and services signifies your acceptance of these terms.

For more information regarding the use of the FuuZzi trademark, please contact us at:

FuuZzi Company Legal Department
82A James Carter Rd, Mildenhall, Bury Saint Edmunds IP28 7DE
+44 7311377664